Are You Making the Money You Should From Your Freelance Articles

As a freelance writer trying to make money on the internet the question is always there, “why don’t I make the money I believe I should on the web?” The answer to this question is extremely complex. There is no right or wrong answer. More importantly there is no simple answer to this question. Countless writers have a difficult time seeing the results they believe they should see based on the amount of time invested in their content marketing or article marketing energies. Are you making the money you should from your freelance articles? If not, there is something you can do about it.

You can do something about the situation. These are several tips to help you get more out of the hard work spent with content marketing or article marketing struggles.

What to Write About

When creating content lots of writers will find they get stuck in what to write about. A writer that wants to make money on the web with their writing efforts will need to produce great relevant content over and over again.  Of course, this is easier said than done.

Fashioning wonderful content continually can be difficult for a number of writers. If you have ever had an article that went viral it can really be more than problematical because you want to see that with every article. However, it generally doesn’t happen. Finding what to write about as quickly as possible can help reduce the time spent with marketing article content as well as help you produce more great work faster.

More than several articles around the Write Stuff Pen and Paper have ideas that can get writers past the point of getting stuck on what to write about. Don’t get stuck in the mud and make the money you should from your freelance articles.

Make Certain Expectations are Realistic

Making millions in a matter of weeks is an unrealistic expectation as average freelance writer on the internet. In fact, I am certain no writer has made millions starting out as a freelance writer on the web in a matter of weeks. Make certain your expectations are realistic for what you can make writing for the web.

Don’t believe the hype that a lot of fast talking marketing products or services sell that you will a millionaire overnight. It does take time and a little patience to see results out of the hard work invested in marketing article content.

Not Enough Article Promotion

Promoting articles is extremely important. Make certain you spend the time to do so. Readers will find your work through search engine optimization more than other source on the web. Therefore, article promotion with terrific search engine optimization, keyword research and related promotion is vital. Understand how to use social media to promote article content and fashion wonderful content that drives focused traffic to your material.

No Plan of Action in Place

A writing plan of action or business plan of action in place for your written work helps to make things much simpler. Know what you want to write about and plan it out to make more money writing on the web as a freelancer. A writer business plan is a good idea.

A great example of this situation would be for a blogger that has a boat blog. Make a plan of action to write about sail boats for the next week’s posting material. Have three or four posts about different types of sail boats and link them all together. Using great keywords and search engine optimization can help you build a great presence that will net wonderful results in the end with as little time as possible spent on article marketing efforts.

Marketing your articles and content really does work and produces results. These tools and techniques outlined here can help you make the money you should from freelance articles developed for the web.
