Freelance writing is a business. As a business entrepreneur creating a blog is good business. Blogging has benefits for freelance writers that want to succeed in monetizing their writing efforts. It provides a wealthy of opportunity to expand your freelance writing and receive back more on your investment.
Clients are the bread and butter of any business. As a freelancer you will need to connect with clients. Connecting with these clients will increase the size of your wallet and help you make money from your freelance writing efforts. Blogs connect freelancers with clients in a number of different ways.
There are several reasons why a blog is necessary for freelance writing business.
Use a blog to have a presence on the web
A blog will provide an immediate presence on the web. If you are a freelance writer that has chosen not to become a member of a writing community or revenue sharing sites such as Triond or Hubpages, you still want to publish your writing on the web and a blog provides the opportunity to do so.
If your freelance writing is primarily on the internet having a presence on the web is a must. A blog is an avenue for clients to locate you and your work.
Use a blog to describe and list freelance writing services that you will provide
A blog is an incredible way for a freelance writer to describe and list the type of services that they can offer clients. Using a blog to outline the work you can offer clients is free advertising all around. You can detail the writing services and provide examples of amenities you deliver.
Clients can review the specific type of freelance writing business you deliver with a blog. Remember to keep your blog updated with any new services you provide for clients.
Use a blog for your professional portfolio
Blogs are an excellent resource for a professional portfolio of your writing. Whatever you would like to provide in your portfolio for clients can be resourced using a blogging platform. Freelance writers can link to other content they may have around the web and centralize it into one portfolio using a blog.
Create a single static page of your blog that links to all of your work around the web you want to include in your writing portfolio. Showcase the best examples and make them stand out for clients to view. Clients can review and understand your abilities as a freelance writer from this outstanding portfolio you have created. Make certain as you write more you keep the portfolio updated.
Use a blog to reflect your professional status
As a professional freelance writer a blog will showcase your business aspect. You can position yourself as an expert in the freelance writing field of business with a blog.
Many freelance writing blogs will display quality informative posts that are relevant to your freelance writing specialty. This can work two fold. You can earn monies with advertisers while displaying to your clients the professional authority you have in the freelance writing field of business.
Always keep your posts professional with prospective clients viewing this information. Don’t include personal information in your business blog posts.
Use a blog to network
Blogging is a terrific way to network within the freelance writing industry. Comments will reveal an opportunity to communicate with your freelance writing peers and clients that are interested in your writing.
Use a blog to build a social bookmarking or networking presence
Social networking and social bookmarking are here to stay. Building a blog will provide an opportunity to have your professional presence known in the social bookmarking and networking world. Make certain you provide share buttons for LinkedIn, Facebook or Digg and the opportunity for readers to share your posts and blogging efforts with different networks. Prospective clients are out there waiting in these forums as well.
Freelance writing to earn income is a business. You are an entrepreneur when you decide you will write for an income. You need a blog for your freelance writing business for a number of reasons.
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