I have posted several blogs on article directories for freelance writers. I am adding another one because of feedback I received from another site concerning freelance writer interest in directories for their articles.
Article directories are a wonderful way to promote your work and get search engine rankings. In addition to getting your work noticed adding backlinks to your work along with your bio helps to get your work known and noticed.
Do Follow and No Follow Article Directories
There are two types of article directories, do follow and no follow. Many writers will ask if they should bother with no follow directories. Yes. You should submit your work to both. Remember, not only are you building back links- you are also building an exposure for your work. Therefore, submitting to no follow directories will get more of your work read.
Manual Submission or Software Submission
There are two ways to submit to article directories. Freelance writers will manually submit to article directories or you can use software to submit to a mass amount of article directories.
There are several different types of article directory submission software. Some of the popular software used by internet marketers happens to be, Article Submitter and ArticleMarketer.com. I haven’t personally used the software. However, feedback has varied and reviews are shared. There are several advantages and disadvantages to using software to submit to multiple article directories. For instance, Snare submits your article to over 24,000 publishers. You may not get all of them accepted or published, but chances are pretty good you will receive some traffic for your efforts.
Submit the Same Article or Different Articles
Submitting the same article to multiple directories can hurt your content for that article with search engines. Many times search engines will see the same article at different locations and penalize you for not having unique content. Only the first submission will get the credit for unique content.
If you have an article that you would like to see in several different directories, consider rewriting the article to create a new article from the original content.
Which Article Directories Should I Use
When you are searching for which article directories to submit your subject matter to, consider the following as advantages;
· Author bio information is a plus. This allows you to provide information about yourself as an author and provide a signature to your work
· Not all article directories will allow a back link. A back link encourages readers to link to your blog, site or other content.
· Some articles directories permit anchor text. If you are using anchor text make certain you are anchoring up some of your best keywords. This is a definite advantage over article directories that don’t permit anchor text
· A static URL for promotion to other sites is wonderful. A static URL allows you to submit your material from the directory to sites such as Delicious or DIgg
Article directories provide a blog or site owner a great way to get traffic moving to them. Take advantage of SEO, keywords, and anchor text along with article bios.
Remember to write your articles for people and not search engines and you will do well. Consider writing articles about your blog or site in addition to other types of articles submitted to directories. If you are interested in getting traffic to your site or blog this is a method that will certainly work.
These are several articles sites that many freelance writers use and provided positive feedback for;
pic is courtesy of clicknewz.com
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