Working with editors can make you money in more ways than one. Of course, when people think of editors the first thing they consider is getting a book published. However, an editor with a magazine can be your route for an unlimited resource to freelance writing gigs if you can hook up with the right one. Magazine editors can help you make a way to a steady income as a freelance writer.
An editor that can help your product content for their publication, usually a magazine or similar online content, is like having a massive client database. This enables many freelance writers to have an outlet to write for content or article writing sites while earning a steady source of income from magazine writing.
Take your time before pitching to an editor that can be the cornerstone of earning as a freelance writer. Query letters are your introduction to editors and the world of writing for publications. Your query letter can certainly make a huge difference as to whether or not you get your foot in the door and money in your wallet.
When you want to write as a career or profession you need to spend time with query letters as well as continually building good relationships with editors. These are several tips to take along your route to doing both of these things;
Identify which magazine editors like what pitches
Some magazine editors prefer longer pitches. They enjoy seeing resources and information sources listed in a full page or page and a half. While others are more comfortable with short ones. Shorter pitches for editors are usually about a half page and get immediately to the point. Know which editors enjoy which pitches to make certain your query letters are the ones that get noticed and not ignored.
Do not ask an editor about a query letter until you have sold your first piece of content
After you have sold at least one article for a magazine, ask an editor about a query letter. Ask the editor specifically what type of query letter they have a preference for. Don’t put this question forward when you are cold calling/cold emailing. Instead simply send a thoughtful one page letter or pitch for an article. After you have received the response from the editor accepting your first publication ask what type of query letter they prefer.
Don’t try and kiss the butt to get in good with an editor or secure an editor relationship. You want to always remain professional and don’t try to kiss a lot of butt. Show respect and professionalism and the favor will be returned.
Steps to take before presenting your first pitch
Put your best foot forward. Line up your most interesting source before you pitch an article to an editor. Present the idea or prospect to an editor after getting all of your ducks in a row. Find a source with direct, unique or a fascinating experience that comes in line with a magazine. Make a pitch that is simply too good for the magazine editor to turn away from.
More work should go into a query letter than the magazine article
As a freelance writer you should spend more time, management and resources for your query letter than the actual magazine article itself. Pitches need to be faultless and wrapped in perfection. Words should flow flawlessly, correct grammar, ideas and even add anecdotes if it works for the publication you are chasing.
Remember that it takes time to network and get relationships that are sound and steady. As a relationship with a magazine editor develops you come to understand what works for which publication and what editors expect to see in query letters they like.
Ask for another assignment when you send in your finished article
Keep the fires burning under your writing assignment to make certain you have a steady stream of income. Have multiple pitch ideas available. The ultimate pot of gold with editors and magazine writing is a feature article. These will pay the most money, but the side articles will keep the money rolling in. Diverse article ideas will display not only your discipline for writing different platforms and content, but you are also open to a variety of writing ideas.
The article and the invoice should be sent separately to a magazine editor.
Article revisions are good, yes good
Editors will ask for editing for articles they receive. This is great for a freelance writer. This means they have taken the time to read your content, they are interested in your writing and you have a tremendous learning opportunity. Great editors will make talented writers when they are done tutoring you.
Be prepared. Some editors like to discuss matters over the phone, even in our world of electronic contact. Some editors still enjoy email contact.
Inroads with editors
When editors mention personal references to a certain type of article or content, follow up on the reference. Create an article or query letter. This will definitely get you noticed from the other freelance writers working with him. Build a strong and powerful relationship with an editor to keep the work flowing back and forth and increase assignments you receive.
Freelance writing is a career path that many people are unable to take. There is a lot of discipline and along with self-motivation. Freelance writers are not easily distracted by the internet, television and other distractions that can surround you. Freelance writers can convey thoughts and feelings into relevant content that makes the world a better place around them. Patience and discipline will make you successful as a freelance writer as well as making you tons of money in the industry.
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