Freelance Writers that Want to Earn More

If you start your writing career as a novice and earn at least $10 for an article you are doing well. However, you need to go up from here. This means earning more than $10 for each article you sell as a freelancer.  Freelance writers that want to earn more need a direction to follow.

Articles that don’t require research or interviews can earn accomplished freelance writers a minimum of $50 easily. Earning this amount of money as a freelance writer means you have finally made it. You are a successful freelance writer that can make a great living writing. A successful writer will charge $50 an hour for writing an article that requires research and in-depth research. Freelance writers that want to earn more need to do more.

These are steps you can take to make your freelance writing better and to earn more money

The more money you make the better you will write. The better you write the more money you will make. The more money you make the better you will write….the circle will continue. Therefore, write as much as possible.

Everything you learn will make you a better writer. Everything you read will make you a better writer. These are things that should reside inside of your head in your thoughts and they (your thoughts) can also make you a better writer. Better writers will make more money.

Reading will make you a better writer. Reading is a wonderful way to explore, learn and get ideas for a writer. Reading is wonderful for expanding your horizons as a writer. The more you read the better you will write and the better you will become. Better writers earn more money.

Everything that you read about freelance writing shouldn’t be taken as gospel. This is certainly true of any profession. Even information coming from a writing guru or expert earning hundreds of thousands of dollars each year can come up with things that don’t relate to you and your situation. Remember every individual is different and your writing career can certainly be different from other writers. This doesn’t mean you won’t find useful information along the way. Though, take what you can use and learn from it. If you can apply it, do so. Don’t take everything as the gospel when it comes to writing.

Blogging will make better writing skills-numerous freelance writers admit that blogging permits you to strengthen writing skills. This is a wonderful platform as a freelance writer for a number of reasons. You get to write on different contents and niches. Blogging permits a less restrictive form of writing. A blog is a place to write different thoughts and ideas with ease. Blogs are a wonderful compliment to any portfolio.

Write for content or article writing site-article writing sites or content sites are wonderful for publications and getting your work showcased. They can help build your credibility. This is especially true as a freelance writer.

Write e-zines. E-zines are especially great fodder for the freelance writer. These are exceptional sites that have standards that will sharpen the skill set of any writer.

Writing for content sites and e-zines will also build a writer a great portfolio while making a foundation for a nice passive form of income allowing freelance writers to earn more money.

These are several methods to make your writing better and develop a freelance writing career which can earn you more money.

 pic is courtesy of

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  1. INteresting. I think about launching into the world of freelance, so this was thought provoking.

  2. sandra-thank you for your comment. freelance writing is something that can be rewarding in many ways. not many people get to do something they enjoy for a living and also get paid to do it.


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