How to Write a Product Review

Numerous freelance writers create a great revenue stream by writing product reviews. Writing a product review is usually providing an opinion about a product or service you have experienced. This includes movies, books, consumer products and nearly anything that customers purchase or encounter.

When creating a product review you should do your market research. Review and study the publications or sites you would like to write for and make certain they are a good fit for you. Do you feel compatible with the style, tone and format of the review guidelines?  Many freelance writers that enjoy this particular venue will write for several different sites or publications.

After matching your skills with a provider verify you have everything you need to begin. Make sure you have everything you need and all relevant pieces of information to identify what you are reviewing. You should be as specific as possible. For instance, when reviewing a play you should have the complete name of the play, the playwright, the theatre where the performance takes place and the dates the play is showing. Some reviews provide this at the beginning while others share at the end. Depending upon the site or publication you write for there may be a specific format for each review.

When you write a review of a product avoid making it sound as if you are writing a school presentation. A great way to begin writing your reviews is to appraise techniques and styles of other reviewers for the same publication. This is a great way to easily discover a format that works for a specific publication or site.

Combine information and your opinion in an attention grabbing hook. Use a tone suited for the site. If you happen to be writing for site that is serious, make your reviews serious and leave out any type of humor. Wittiness will work best with some sites which is why is important to review other reviews to gain a sense of what works.

Make a review readable. Provide enough detail to give your reader a brief idea of the content without reproducing the entire movie or exhibition. Provide an angle of why you have the opinion or stance that you chose to take. Was the book unforgettable or exceptionally bad? Provide enough of your own personal responses as the publication will permit. Don’t forget to support your opinion by using examples. However, ensure that the information is provided in an informative, creative and thought provoking way.

One of the most important things to offer readers with a review is using original thoughts and language. Make your review stand out and detail as much as possible. Stay away from turning your review into a high school or college essay paper.

Make sure you incorporate great grammar, spelling and appropriate language. Write your review similar to the guidelines used for articles.

Endings for reviews should summarize your conclusion and not the product or service. Always include whether or not the product or service is worth the cost. Was the blender worth the $39.99 price tag? Where there specific strengths found? Many great reviews will summarize the strengths and weaknesses. Ending your review with a memorable phrase is a witty way of signing off.

pic is courtesy of productreviewscanada

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