5 Simple Ways to Get More Readers for Your Content

There are simple ways you can change or tweak your posts that you are writing in order to get more traffic. You can have quality content but without engaging readers, you won’t obtain the traffic that you are searching for.
Every writer wants more Tweets or Stumbleupon recommends. Comments are wonderful, but why aren’t you getting them? You are writing great quality content but just cannot seem to get the traffic you need.
These are 5 simple ways to obtain more traffic without breaking the bank or changing the content you want to write about.

  • ·         Break up your content with subheadings. Make the subheadings compelling. Titles are what catch the eye. This goes for the subheadings as well as the title of your article.

  • ·         Use bulleted lists.

Bulleted lists are easier to read
They look different from the rest of the writing content and will attract a reader
These are much easier to read than large formatted paragraphs.

  • ·         Add links to your content. Links attract people and break up reading. Link to your own content whenever possible. These can be links within your blog or on other content sites that you have related information.

  • ·         Big words don’t mean thing-using big words to express content writing is not impressive for most readers and can be boring. Whenever possible make the sentence structure simple and complete

  • ·         Attempt to keep paragraphs shorter-paragraphs with 3-4 sentences are typically better read and more read than longer stretched out paragraphs. After writing your article content, step back and verify if you have written long paragraphs that can be divided into more than one and change them.

These are five great rules of content to follow in order to write excellent posts that will be read. If you can add any of these to your current writing style, please do so. If you have all of these, you are writing content that is being read.
If you don’t have any of these, make your necessary changes now in order to get that traffic you desire.


  1. Great list! So true! No matter how long a post is I will always read more no matter how interesting if it's posted with shorter paragraphs, etc. Otherwise I just skim a lot of the time.


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