How to Manage Freelance Outsourcing Content Writing

Managing freelance outsourcing content writing takes practice to make it perfect. If you have had the opportunity to manage others for project work, this is a plus but managing the outsourcing of content writing is different from managing most other types of projects.

Receiving large projects from clients and managing them successfully will build you a great reputation and income source. One successful project will lead to another and another.

Being the boss has its advantages and disadvantages. After receiving a large project from a client for freelance content writing, you want to be effective as you can be completing this project. If you are your business will flourish. These are some hints to assist you with achieving success with using outsourcing to accomplish just that;

  • ·         Always be very detailed with your subcontracted content writers about expectations. What is required of them, when and how they will be paid, how you can be contacted and especially their deadlines related to the project
  • ·         Become familiar with taxes and payment issues related to hiring sub-contractors. Make certain the correct tax forms are completed prior to the job being completed and payment being made. These should be completed before any work is sent to the subcontractor. There are fees associated with some of payment types when you pay your subcontractors.
  • ·         You can hire people you know that are reliable and great to work with. If these are friends of yours remember this is business. Can you separate your friendship from business? Remember as part of running a successful business, you will treat them as you would any other employee. If you    don’t believe this will work along with your friendship, you may not want to hire them.
  • ·         Your deadline to your client should not be your deadline with your sub-contractors. Make their deadline ahead of the deadline you have for the overall project or the deadline you have with your client. By having an earlier deadline, if content must be rewritten, corrected or if you have to rehire, you can allow for wiggle room.
  • ·         Do not bite off more than you can chew. How many sub-contractors can you work with at once and manage successfully? Make room for answering their questions, rework if needed, paying the sub-contractors, addressing issues that may come up and contacting the client.
  • ·         Have a plan for paying your sub-contractors if your client is late paying you. Many managers that have anything in place to handle these issues. Can you pay them out of your own pocket? Will they wait or will you lose valuable talent? These things do occur and having a plan in place in cases where payment may be delayed may be something you have to consider.

Remember that the buck will stop at you. You are responsible for the work that your team puts out. Many managers want to make sure the content and work they receive is good and up to par. Point out to your subcontracted talent what you consider acceptable work and emphasize it.         

                      other writing content you may be interested in:                                                                                                                                                                                    
