There are numerous writers that are searching for writing contests. This is something really special to add to your freelance writing resume or portfolio. Winning an award can make your writing stand out from the rest in addition to getting noticed by the right people. This is not counting the great feeling you can get inside from knowing that you are the best of the best in one category or another. However, there are many writing contests that are not reputable and will charge you a fee to submit your entry only to find out there wasn’t a writing contest at all and simply some scammer getting $20 bucks here and there off of non-suspecting legitimate freelance writers that would simply like to have their name in lights and an award to boast about that says there writing actually counts and is good enough to beat out some of their fellow writers in the same genre or niche.
There are some actual legitimate contest and writing competitions around the web today if you know where to find them. I like to share contests and information occasionally with writers that visit the Write Stuff Pen and Paper and today I wanted to share a link to the Poets and Writers website which has a lot of great resources as well as writing contests for those readers that would like to showcase their work.
Numerous freelance writing contests have a bad reputation and rightly deserved. However, The Poets and Writers website can offer the freelance writer a searchable data base with more than 400 contests as well as writing competitions. The resource is wonderful, but can be overwhelming.
Countless writers will review the magazines and other publications that they follow on Twitter and other social media outlets. Loads of magazines and other publications will deliver opportunities to enter contests and if you know these publications to be reputable so will contests they permit you to enter.
There are also reviews and feedback from other writers all over the web that know of other contests they have entered and what the experience has been with these contests and other similar type promotions. Look for these or share with us if you have entered any and what your experience has been.
If there are any fees associated with contests this doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t genuine. Though, you want to weigh the amount you are paying for the entry fee against the size of the purse of the prizes for a contest. Is the entry fee worth it? Does the contest appear to be authentic? If something appears to be too good to be true, it may very well be. However, there are many contests available for freelance writers all over the web that are sincere and genuine in their efforts.
This is the link the Poets and Writers website competition page for those of you searching for writing contests around the web. Review these soon because there are many poetry and other contests that have a deadline of November 15th, 2011.
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