5 Tips to Grow as a Writer

The Daily Tech Post has provided this excellent article on growing as a writer. These tips are wonderful and can be very beneficial for freelance writers.

information provided by Kartik at this link http://dailytechpost.com/index.php/5-tips-to-grow-as-a-writer/

5 Tips To Grow As A Writer

On January 8, 2011, by Kartik

To become an authority writer you would need to do the following :-

1. Pick up your niche

Just pick up that niche on which you can write a lot about and easily too. Many bloggers particularly newbies tend to get attracted to popular niches like “Tech” niche and start writing about it without even knowing a word and this can really hurt your reputation as writer, because your reputation starts building with your article-1.  So choose your niche carefully.

2. Guest Posting and Article Submission

Select a few popular blogs of your niche and start writing for them. Such blogs have huge traffic and your article will get a lot of exposure in such a way. Besides this you will also gain backlinks and traffic to your blog. You should also submit your articles to famous article directories like Ezine, ArticleBase etc.

3. Be a reader first

To be a successful writer, you will need to be a reader too. Make it a habit to read articles of your niche. It will not only help you in gaining some knowledge but will also enhance your vision and writing skills.

4. Engage with your readers

It is very important to get engaged with your readers. So do reply to their comments, solve their problems and do all sorts of things to interact with them. This is a great tip to grow as a writer. You can tell how connected you are by comments and responses to your writing.

5. Write with Pen and Paper

Well this might sound odd, but yes this is true. To write a quality article just switch off your PC or Laptop, get pen and paper and start writing. You can even go to some park, cafeteria etc to write.
This works fine for me , so it might work for you as well.

for additional information please follow this link: http://dailytechpost.com/index.php/5-tips-to-grow-as-a-writer/

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