Sites Paying Writers $100 or more per Article

Selling work or getting paid to publish is how freelancer writers generate income. There is always the passive income which trickles in here and there, but the search is on for more. More than a few websites are willing to pay excellent compensation for material. Getting up to $100 for each piece of material sounds pretty darn good.

These are three of those business opportunities moving forward and realizing what a great piece of writing is worth.

  • Upworthy is a company with a mission statement of supporting a better world. There is a need to create a better one. Most of the work surrounding the site is based on clickbait articles for social media published directly to Facebook. 
More than a few writers admit to receiving up to $150 per piece. 
Not all articles are posted to the Facebook account, but there is a payment for every one accepted. An extra $50 bonus comes along with the original monies if it does make it to Facebook.

These are the Upworthy submission guideline.

  • Entelligent is a little unique for most people. This is an energy company with a focus in trading it. There is an investment side of things which connects with investing for environmental, social and government.

Published articles are connected with business journalists, climate scientists and financial analysts. Although the work is more difficult than the average article, the pay is commiserate with the material and possible research needed. The start is $180 an article. 

These are the submission guidelines for Entelligent

  • Serious Eats @ Medium is a member version of the site Serious Eats. The title is self explanatory. Get prepared to deliver material surrounding food. There is work to be done on cooking, food and of course eating the wares.

Countless writers gravitate this site, but everyone is not a food writer. The pay is $100 for each article published. Typically the work is between 800-2000 words. Stay away from fluff pieces for success.

One of the things which writers must acknowledge is payments typically negotiable. Work with editing staff to possibly get more than originally offered.

 Always do your best Try to connect with a niche which focuses in your specialty.
