The Failure of an I Love Article Template

Article templates are a terrific way to structure content. They help organize thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner. These are extremely helpful tools of the trade. Using them is an easy way to write lots of articles quickly for many veteran writers. Newbies find them valuable as well. Using one to construct an article is a great way to present clear and intelligible material to readers.

Templates exists for lots of different kinds of articles. One of the newest to hit the net is an I Love Article template. After reviewing the info on this particular one, I would vote hands down. There are lots of negatives and not very many positive aspects to it. Take a quick look at what it has to offer and judge for yourself. Would this be something to really benefit your writing?

Have you heard of the I Love Article Template? When I first read the words I imagined it was a joke. Guess what? It isn’t. Apparently there is an actual template designed to format written content with the focus being “I Love”. The writer uses their emotions for input. Writing about something you love appears fairly easy. The real question is whether or not you are able to make money as a writer using it. This is the main focus of the professional writer for any tool in the profession.

What is it?

A writer picks a subject and gives reasons why they are passionate about it or why they love it. A list follows the opening paragraph designed to bring in the reader. It shares the passion the writer feels about the article. 
This template differs from a list article template in lots of ways. Instead of giving things such as pros and cons in a subjective way, it is slanted to the sentimental bias of the creator.

How it differs from a List Article Template

It appears on the surface to be a form of simply writing in the same structure of a list article. An individual reason why the writer loves something is given. Each begins with the phrase “I Love” and the reason why. Most readers are used to seeing with this kind of design with a positive or negative direction. Supporting facts, figures and other material enhance the readers experience and knowledge with a list type of article. All of these features are missing with the "I Love" article template.

Why it doesn’t work

There are more than a few disadvantages to using this article template to produce content. Before using it, find out why the structure could do more harm than good for lots of writer’s endgame.

Most writers create an article outlining the positive aspects of something. Whether the focus is a person, place or thing they involve themselves in the art of writing the best possible piece of content. There are times when the negative road is taken. However, advantages are generally more popular than disadvantages.
The benefits are typically clear cut and instructive in some fashion. Most define why the author has taken this particular standpoint very well. Structuring material with this layout or something similar relays more expertise in the subject matter.

a)      This is helpful promoting a Valentine’s Day theme. Even other holidays like Christmas will see some interest. Though, using the template does lose credibility with readers because it lacks an important feature. A reader should leave with more knowledge than they came with. Anyone searching for expertise in an area would want a better authority than “I Love”.

b)      It is lacking in originality and innovation. The basic design follows the list template.

c)      It doesn’t inspire an authority in a field. What someone loves doesn't encourage providing a reader with what they are searching for on the web.

d)      Although it is full of emotion, the believability in any facts displayed is lost.

e)      Are there really readers excited and waiting to discover why a writer personally loves a person, place or thing? More realistically they are searching for valuable information important to them personally. They want or need something other than personal opinions

f)       There appears to be no research necessary and will my personal opinion benefit a reader’s knowledge or skills?

g)      More than anything will a writer be capable of holding a reader's interest through personal bias? The likelihood is slim.

h)      The key phrase of the topic is certainly in danger of oversaturating an article or piece of content in lots of circumstances. This is deadly when it comes to search engine optimization. There is even the possibility of drawing negative attention toward the work from search engines using this type of design.

Organizing research data, facts and figures lends competency along with credibility to work. Excitement and passion are certainly conveyed with an “I Love” article template. Though, it is possible to relay the same feelings with other methods of communicating the same material. Lend work more credibility by using methods which have been tried and true. This type of article simply doesn’t have the same positive advantages to other types of writing methods of communication.

In conclusion

New things are certainly on the horizon and shared successfully every day. This is one offered as a useful advantage to writers. These are some pros and cons of the template. Everything which exists is always capable of becoming better. Change is inevitable. Not all change is in a positive direction. Unfortunately, this is one example where the negatives outweigh the positive.

Future changes to the formula could potentially make it better and in a position to offer real help to any writer. The current standing is one not worthwhile. In fact, it could be potentially harmful to a writing professional attempting to advance their career.

There are pioneers in the industry willing to try out new forms of conveying info. If you are adventurous and feel you will make this one work to your advantage, go for it. However, the odds are certainly against it at this time.
Using a structure readers find familiar does have a safety net. The stats support victories for article templates capable of giving some expertise or know how. Success is provided with practices readers feel comfortable engaging in. The I Love article template has yet to prove itself. I personally give it thumbs down.
