Income Diary Guest Posts for Freelance Income

There are literally hundreds of different places around the web for freelance writers to earn extra income. One of the best ones for guest posts is Income Diary. The website is owned by Michael Dunlop and has done very well since its inception. He is always on the lookout for guest writers with new material. Although there is actually an Income Diary team of writers contributing articles on a regular basis, the site encourages guest writers to apply.

Established over five years ago, it promotes lots of articles on various subject matters. There are some remarkable posts from more than a few guest writers. One of the best things about the site is they do not have an enormous amount of hiring criteria. Basically anyone proficient or an expert in certain areas will do well.  Info in connection with driving traffic, building sites, gaining more readers, increasing or creating online income or social media is encouraged to come pay a visit.

What type of articles do they need?

The online application is easy to complete and concentrates on what they want and need at this time from a list of items listed on the site. The major spotlight is connected to improving blog usability, speed and security. Though, other areas of expertise are also displayed.

One of the best things gained from being hired as a guest writer is the exposure your material gains. An author bio is attached to each post and exposed to approximately 10,000 readers connected with the sites mailing list.

The folks at this particular site are primarily interested in material falling under the category of a List Article. For the most part they enjoy making money and driving traffic subject matter.


Writers are paid very well by Income Diary. They ask freelance writers to put a price on their own work. What a writer is paid for each item is up to them. Generally speaking payment ranges between $50 and $200.  They pay very well compared to similar sites around the web. Anyone asking for $10 or less for an article is not someone they look forward to employing and rarely work with.

Payment is via PayPal and made after an item has been edited and is ready to publish. Characteristically an idea for a post is sent to the editors along with an asking price. After review the price is accepted or renegotiated and a go ahead is given for the article to be written.

The minimum word count is 1000. There is some help with article titles, but the content and subject matter is totally the responsibility of the guest writer. After the green light to write, they like a completion within 24 hours.

In conclusion

Guest authors are given credit for their articles. This is not a site interested in ghost writing. Therefore, any writers searching for a place to display their work, gain credit and enhance their resume would do well to pay them a visit.

Check out their application here. Income Diary
