Writers are
interested in passive income. Freelance writers around the web are attentive to
any writing site which is capable of increasing this particular area of
professional monies coming in. passive income is very important because it is
as close to a steady stream of income as freelance writing will get you.
Therefore, joining a writing site is appealing if the cash paid to your pocket
is fairly good.
Freelance writers
are extremely attentive to writing sites which are capable of increasing
passive writing income. This particular area of monies is as close as freelance
writers get to a steady stream of earnings coming in. Therefore, there is a
great interest in writing sites to determine if they are worth investing the
time and effort of creating content.
The return
on the investment must be worth it because time is precious for any freelance
writer. Submitting material to a writing site is generally done in between
forming articles for personal clients or even creating blog posts for
It is impossible
to join every writing community. Analyses of writing sites give freelance
writers an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about a site before joining
the community. This means the most valuable sites are certainly the most
appealing. Generally this is determined from information or knowledge from other
writers, reviews and input from other sources found around the web.
This is one
of those resources used to help in making the decision of whether or not this
is an attractive place to settle in for a considerable amount of time while
building the best passive income possible. That being said these are some pros
and cons of the writing site Bubblews.
is easier –making money
is not simply based on page views with revenue sharing like similar writing
sites. Other actions help you earn. In fact, things like receiving “likes” and
comments for articles puts money in your pocket. This makes getting more money for articles
is not a requirement-
the site does not require members to have an AdSense account. For any writer
without one or unable to get one, it is not an issue. For newbies waiting on
for an account you will earn while you wait
is not substantial-the
site does not put a lot of weight on moderating content. There is a light hand
on content as well as style. There is a filter to remove spam as well as any
content outside of the site guidelines.
Lots of
community support-the payment options are attractive and make earning easy. This
is a plus for community support and involvement. Other writers around the site
are reading and commenting along with focused traffic from search engines. The more the merrier or the bigger your next paycheck will be.
Only a
minimum of 400 words needed-with a minimum of 400 words per article most authors find submitting lots
of content easy. This means if you have a 2500 word one or a 400 word one, both
are acceptable.
Minimum threshold
of $50 for payment-this
is a lot lower than most sites. The average site typically will not pay out
until $75 or $100 dollars. The $50 means payment is received more often. Lots of the very active members are paid
every week with this lower threshold.
Along with
pluses come the minuses with any site. Bubblews is no exception. Find out what
there is not to like about it next.
Breaking the
rules costs money-most
sites warn a writer when guidelines are broken. Bubblews takes the next payment
due. If the next one is fairly large and rule infraction small, hard feelings are
going to occur to say the least. Make certain
you understand the procedures and follow policies at all times. Take the time
to learn them as soon as you join. Do not take a gamble of not getting your
Spammers are
an issue-with a
lower moderation input and more emphasis on commenting and likes, spammers
become a bigger issue than similar writing sites. Although spamming earns you
money, it is also a set back with bad links to great content. Be careful with
getting this nasty stuff connected to your hard work.
Down time
often-this is a new
site which has been upgraded several times and is still being worked on. The amount
of new traffic, payment processing and members has impacted the downtime. This is
noticeable for anyone joining the site and a nuisance. If potential readers
come to content not there, they move on. Additionally, down time means less
time to earn. When this will lessen or stop is impossible to say.
Glitches in
the system-there are
more than a few glitches in the system which is fairly noticeable. Things like
having to use the Captcha button often to get on the site as well as the
Pinterest button no working are annoying to say the least. This is possibly
attributed to the same issues causing a large amount of downtime. There are
fixes going in all of the time to resolve. How soon and how many will occur is
not foreseeable at this time. Double check each submission for publication.
Site is
not that old-this is
a plus and a minus. Getting in on the ground floor of a new site is wonderful
if it goes golden. This means the outlay is worth it. The opposite is also
true. I have experienced a speculation on a site going in a positive direction
and it ended up disappearing from the web. When it left it took all of my hard
In conclusion
These are
advantages and disadvantages connected with Bubblews. Some are definitely bigger
than others. For the most part I would say it is a good deal if it grows and
becomes established as a good site with Google. Lots of veterans are concerned
with the low minimum rate of words per article and less focus on moderation. This
leaves room for a lower degree or value of work which is a negative when it
comes to page ranking.
Higher page
ranking is ideally where a writer wants work. Google Panda updates cleaned house for lots of
sites and penalized writers and their work for less than stellar articles. Is this
a possibility with this site? Will your content disappear after investing lots
of time and effort? It is certainly possible. A new site means taking a gamble
on earning great money from passive income getting in on the ground floor or
the complete opposite. Your worst
nightmare coming true is certainly possible.
Getting paid
without a Google AdSense account and more often is very attractive. This is a
plus no matter how you say it. Following the rules is a must with any site and
not an issue for most.
Lots of
sites experience glitches and downtime when they are new and absorbing a lot of
info and members. Even veterans like Infobarrel and Hubpages had these issues.
If you like the company and feel the future will be fortuitous, hang in there
for now. Join and cross your fingers on what the future will bring.
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