Flash fiction is the latest phenomenon related to freelance
writing. This particular type of creation is the ability to fashion short or
mini creations of a fiction story with a very small amount of words. Imagine attempting
to write a fiction story that is less than 200 characters. The length of a
tweet is difficult to place a work of fiction into. This is the flash fiction experience.
Most freelancers are accustomed to sites asking for
thousands of words for stories. In spite
of this, a number of sites are asking for it and writers that are capable discover
a number of them willing to pay for it. Resources are found with a search engine
hunt for short short writer story websites.
With the world of technology changing it should be no
surprise that these mini works of creation are coming into the limelight. Flash
fiction writing is really taking off because of several changes going on in the
online world. Smartphones are the largest influence for this type of online
Smartphones have an
Smartphones are being used to access web material and
subject matter for nearly seven out of every ten internet users. This is a
platform that has a small screen and is generally used on the go. They have
time constraints along with smaller viewing areas. This promotes the need for
flash fiction stories.
Sites that need the content
Flash fiction is being identified by sites such as Amazon,
Lulu and Smash Words. This group has actually created room for readers which
have extremely limited time for reading. This audience wants and needs short
stories of fiction. They are focusing on content of 200 words during their
daily commute or small amount of time spent on written material.
Five Top Stories
This electronic publisher specializes in producing flash
fiction story writing. They are always searching for new writing talent. This particular
site holds monthly competitions for writers around the globe to showcase their
work and earn money.
The inspiration behind the site is from the UK. Writer Ruth
Heald created Five Short Stories almost 3 years ago and the response from
writers and readers alike has been astounding.
One of the best things about Five Top Stories is new writers
are being uncovered and spotlighted continually. Talented writers are featured
on mobile apps and kindle books working with Five Top Stories. The work is
downloaded from sites like Amazon as an eBook. Even ITunes stores have them
available for readers with an interest.
Short stories don’t necessarily have to be extremely short with
a 200 word limit. In fact, the site will accept fiction writing up to 3000
Points of consideration
A number of short story fiction sites will have writing
competitions. If you enter these remember these points of consideration
Always follow the directions. If the writing
site is asking for less than 1000 words for the competition do not send in
1003, send in 999 words of material.
Sites that request an email of a manuscript should
have the written material submitted as an attachment. Only include the material
in t eh body of an email if the instructions require this format.
Some will ask for a hardcopy of work. This is
unusual, but several of these do exist. Submit a hardcopy as requested. This is
not an email copy. Follow the instructions for the competition to assure your
entry is valid.
Sites to connect with
These are several sites around the web that have
competitions for short story writing if you this type of creation appeals to
The new writer’s prizes page is a site which promotes short
fiction stories from writers
This particular site prides itself in promoting new writers
through literary excellence with a competitive writing structure
Consider flash fiction in your next professional writing
career step. Although this is new to the world of writing it seems like a
platform that will continue to emerge and grow.
a brief instructional video on how to write flash fiction
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