Real Writing Jobs Review

Real Writing Jobs makes the claim they are actually a source of a lot of leads for freelance writing gigs. This online company connects freelance writers with clients or customers. This company is one of many found around the web today with the same job description. Numerous people want to know if this is a real source of writing gigs or if Real Jobs is a scam.

A number of these writing job websites do offer legitimate writing jobs and will make a connection for a fee even as others offer services free of charge. While countless of these sites are real writing job sources with great pay, others are actually a writing job scam. How to tell which sites are actually authentic can sometimes be nearly impossible.

How does the site work?

Freelance writing job sites such as Real Writing Jobs use software to gather data from freelance writing job boards, writing job sites and other sources where freelance writer jobs are posted. After signing up for Real Writing Jobs the member site will display this data for members.

The majority of freelance writing jobs found in this manner are real freelance writing jobs. Unfortunately, they are also low paying for a lot of work. Website and blog owners will advertise writing jobs where writing projects consist of articles created around a specific niche or genre. Food writing jobs, magazine writing jobs, freelance editing writing jobs, speech writing jobs even travel writing jobs will be promoted. Doing a lot of work for little or no pay is no one’s ideal work environment.

Writers want to make certain they don’t get caught up in imagining they will get rich quick off of this type of income source. Even with advertising that writers will receive hundreds of dollars for one or two articles the reality is the average writing project marketed in this environment is pennies on the dollar for writers working with Real Writing Jobs.

The best writing jobs are for categories that most freelance writers don’t specialize in such as medicine, research writing or technical writing. These writing niches are reserved for extremely experienced writers that generally have impeccable references and network most of the opportunities they see. The average freelance writer usually will not see these high paying freelance writing jobs.

Freelance writers must understand that while the web provides the freedom to work from home and other advantages such as expanding a client base it also has drawbacks. The drawbacks include expanding the competition.

Overseas writers can compete for the same jobs a lot cheaper which will drive the price per coveted writing gigs down. Lower prices is certainly great for customers, but makes it that much more difficult to find high paying freelance writing jobs online.

Is Real Writing Jobs a Scam?

Real Writing Jobs is not a scam in the sense they do provide the services they offer. Freelance writers will find they are connected with real writing jobs online for freelance work. Though, the service is not free of charge to use and the question become whether the price is worth the product or service delivered.

Is the website Real Writing Jobs a scam or legitimate source of employment for freelance writers searching for writing projects to earn a great income? The reviews of Real Writing haven’t been great for a number of reasons.

Complaints with Real Writing Jobs

Real Writing Jobs reels a lot of writers in with the offer of a 10 day trial at an inexpensive $2.95. The 10 day trial ends and there is a per month charge of $47. Freelance writers trying to make a living writing online would rather not have to pay a monthly fee while attempting to increase their income.

A lot of writers that sign up with the writing job site find out about the monthly fee the hard way. Not paying attention to when the 10 day membership passes or reading the small print with reference to the recurring membership cost.

A lot of writers feel the monthly cost of nearly $50 does not justify the service provided. Remember, this writing job site is merely gathering information already available online and bringing it conveniently to one place. This is information any writer could locate on their own. There is nothing magical about the data shared. Additionally, there will be info missed and not gathered for review. Every writing job board and resource is not reviewed. There are a number of real writing gigs from legitimate sources not brought into the query.

A writer searching for real online writing jobs can review the same sources, such as writing job forums, job search engines, writing job sites and other networking opportunities for writing work for the identical data.

Advantages of Real Writing Jobs

There are a couple of advantages of Real Writing Jobs that should be shared. Real Writing Jobs does make it convenient for a writer that has time constraints when it comes to searching for writing jobs. Even though the listing is not 100% complete for all online writing jobs, a great number of jobs are gathered together all in one spot for review.

The writing job website does deliver a money back guarantee. A 10 day money back guarantee is offered with the confidence members will find a job. If a member does not find a job a 10 day no questions asked money back guarantee will be supplied.

In conclusion

Real Writing Jobs is a legit website that gives a freelance writer job resources. There is a fee of almost $50 a month for the service of convenience. The site will bring writing jobs to a member, essentially connecting writers with a resource to find a job. If a monthly fee for the convenience of job hunting suits you, try the service. If not, the same service can be done for free of charge by manually searching the same writing sites, freelance writing job boards and other prospects writers use to make a great income doing freelance work they love.
