Writers Weekly Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day-Searching for Online Writing Jobs
Check Out Writers Weekly

Writers are always on the lookout for paying jobs. That is one of the disadvantages of freelance work. Basically the definition as a writer is seeking your own line of work and connecting with clients through your hard work. Finding a real resource for paying writer jobs can be a godsend for a number of writers. Writers Weekly is a great resource according to a lot of freelancers in the writing industry.
Writers Weekly prints new contacts and connections for writers searching for online work almost daily.
As a resource for online writing jobs, Writers Weekly appears to be a legitimate source. If any readers have any experience with the site, please share. I have not personally connected with this platform before.
This is a listing Writers Weekly publicized for October 3rd, 2012.

These markets are NOT recycled guidelines. WritersWeekly.com only features original market listings, received from and approved by the editors at each publication.

The Cincinnati Review, PO Box 210069, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0069. P(513)556-3954. F(513)556-3959. Email: editors-at-cincinnatireview.com. Website: http://www.cincinnatireview.com. "The Cincinnati Review is a literary magazine published biannually out of the University of Cincinnati. Prose and poetry from our pages has appeared in anthologies including Best American Poetry, Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, and others." 100% Freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 1000. Biannual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Sample copy available for $9 online. Subscription $15. Guidelines online here.
CURRENT NEEDS: "We're always on the lookout for exciting new pieces of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. We also publish reviews of new books of poetry." Pays $30/page for poetry, $25/page for prose. Submit query online.

PHOTOS/ART: "In every issue, Cincinnati Review features a portfolio from a single artist, whose artwork appears on the cover as well as in an interior portfolio printed in full color on high gloss stock. Submissions of artwork may be emailed to art@cincinnatireview.com; we ask that artists send up to twenty low-res images for our perusal. We consider all forms of art. Upon publication we pay an honorarium of $100, plus ten contributor copies." HINTS: "Our biggest tip? Send us your very best work. Send us the piece that's going to excite us. To see what we're into, check out one of our previous issues-you'll see that we publish a wide range of work, from traditional to experimental. Give us something that reaffirms our love for literature."

The Gay & Lesbian Review / Worldwide, P.O. Box 180300, Boston, MA 02118. P(617)421-0082. Email: HGLR-at-aol.com. Website: http://www.GLReview.com. Richard Schneider Jr., Editor. "A bimonthly journal of GLBT history, culture, and politics." 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 12K. Bi-monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Response time varies. Sample available by request via email or regular mail. Subscription $22; $32 Canada; $42 other. Guidelines online here.

CURRENT NEEDS: "Essays rather than book reviews. Topic areas open, but GLBT content is essential." Pays $100 for original feature articles to 4,000 words; $50 for book (and other) reviews. Submit query by email.

HINTS: "We receive a large number of personal memoirs and autobiographical writings, which is a genre that we really don't publish. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. In general, I prefer proposals to completed papers, especially when the latter were originally written for a different venue."

Grain Magazine, Box 67, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1, Canada. P(306)244-2828. F(306)244-0255. Email: grainmag-at-sasktel.net. Website: http://www.grainmagazine.ca. Rilla Freisen, Editor. "Grain, the journal of eclectic writing, is a literary quarterly that publishes engaging, diverse, and challenging writing and art by some of the best Canadian and international writers and artists. Every issue features superb new writing from both developing and established writers. Each issue also highlights the unique artwork of a different visual artist. Grain has garnered national and international recognition for its distinctive, cutting-edge content and design." Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Sample copy available through website. Subscription: $35.00 in Canada; add $10.00 for U.S. subscriptions. Full submission guidelines online here.

CURRENT NEEDS: Please see submission guidelines on website. Pays $50-225 for all genres.
PHOTOS/ART: "Interior work paid at same page rate as text contributors. Cover images (full-colour) paid at current CAR/FAC rates.

GRIT Magazine, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1256. P(785)274-4300. F(785)274-4305. Email: cregan-at-grit.com. Website: http://www.Grit.com. Caleb Regan Managing Editor. "GRIT is a nationally distributed bi-monthly magazine with a circulation of approximately 170,000 through subscriptions and newsstand distribution. GRIT celebrates the intergenerational bonds among those who live on the land with spirit and style ñ a legacy of self-sufficiency, audacious ingenuity and pragmatic problem solving that gave this country its backbone and continues to shape its unique character." 75% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publication time varies, usually within 1 year of acceptance. Buys shared rights. Rarely accepts reprints. Responds within 3 months. Sample copy available for $6 by mail. Subscription $19.95. Guidelines online here.
CURRENT NEEDS: "We do not accept fiction or poetry submissions. Articles are assigned. Send queries via email to Caleb Regan, cregan@grit.com with Query and article title in the subject line." Pays $75-$750 for 500-1500 words.

PHOTOS/ART: "Freelance photographers are contacted via an e-mail callout that lists
specific topics for an issue. Please send low-resolution images, links to lightboxes, or contact sheets via email in response to a specific callout. To be added to the callout list, please email Caleb Regan, cregan-at-grit.com."

HINTS: "DO NOT try to write for GRIT if you know nothing about rural life, gardening or urban farming. We intend to be an authoritative and sometimes playful voice for rural lifestyle farmers and country or small-town dwellers, and we require our writers to be informed about that way of life."

