As a freelance writer you will find a variety of online writing jobs available in your niche. One that has become very popular is writing art exhibition reviews. Whether your task is to write an art exhibition review for a local newspaper, art magazine or art gallery it happens to be one of the best vehicles to get recognized by future clients. Additionally, this particular type of freelance writing job added to a portfolio is great and stands out on a writer’s resume as an added bonus.
With the intention to write an extraordinary art exhibition review avoid the biggest art exhibition review pitfall. Not doing the pre-review work. The pre- review piece of a review is where many freelance writers fail. In order to write the best art exhibition or gallery review there are several things that must be done. Remember that an art review is a mixture of facts and the writer’s opinion.
Make certain that you have the factual piece of your content in place before you construct a review for your art gallery or artist to avoid the biggest art exhibition review pitfall. Tools to help you fashion a wonderful piece of content are outlined in this article.
Background information is extremely important in writing one of the best art exhibition reviews. People want to know about the person behind the art. It is your responsibility to relay the information about the artist or art gallery to the audience reading your review.
Find out about the artist. Follow the history of their work and career. Where have they been formerly featured? Have they changed from paint to sculpture? Does he/she have other work that is currently on display elsewhere? If you are working with an artist new to the scene you can do a short bio of their history and background such as where they studied art. If they don’t have a formal degree in art, find out who or what influenced them the most in their work today.
If you are creating an art gallery exhibition review your background info will be surrounding the owners and history of the gallery. Your aim is to focus more on the gallery unless the owners themselves are noteworthy or newsworthy.
Describe if the gallery has been renovated and what changes or enhancements the new owners have made. Compare the new art gallery to the old. If the owners owned a different art gallery than the current art exhibition review focus, write about that.
Art gallery exhibition reviews should include details of all of the artists that are being featured or shown at this time. Generally you can include the most recent artists on display. However, former artists that where notable or well recognized should be noted.
Review the art gallery and artist before the exhibition-
Contact the artist and art gallery owner before the exhibition for a interview. Do your interview as early as a month before the showing. If several artists will be showing contact as many as possible. For multiple interviews allow enough time for interviews to get as many artists interviewed as possible. If you are not able to get all of the artists, don’t feel bad. There may be some that refuse an interview with you. Even if you decide not to use every one you have, it is better to have too many versus not enough.
It is difficult to do a pre-exhibition interview via email. However, you can send a list of your questions that you will be discussing beforehand through email. If you are not able to do your review face to face try to complete this task via Skype or telephone.
In conclusion
After you have formed your background and interviews have been constructed for your art exhibition interviews you are ready to attend the art exhibition. Remember to absorb not only the art and art gallery impressions, but also get a feel for the audience and feedback they have. Relay the atmosphere and turnout overall for the art exhibition.
Writing an art exhibition review may connect you with creating content for various types of art. You may construct articles surrounding paint, sculpture and even artists that work with unconventional materials to create art. Regardless of the art, work with your pre-review tasks or tools and write one of the best art exhibition reviews possible. for pic
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