Resources and tools are important for any business and online freelance writing is not an exception. Resources include help that you find to make your life easier, including your business life. As I surf the web there are several online freelance writing tools that I have come across. These tools work to make keeping notes, sending information and organizing work easier as a freelance writer. Tools to make your online freelance writing jobs easier are something that every writer looks for.
These are a number of tools that freelancers can find useful for handling freelance writing jobs;
Toodledo -this is online website resource that can help with organization. This web based to do list is wonderful for keeping everything on task with your freelance writing work.
Web note- if you happen to be a freelancer that uses a public computer more often than not you can find Web Note nice. This online freelancer tool quickly and efficiently takes notes using any web browser. Notes are saved and users can visit the site at a later time to retrieve your notes and organize them.
Readbag - Bookmarking is essential for a lot of freelance writers. You are always reading to gain and increase your knowledge. Bookmarking is how you can come back to sources that are useful in your endeavors. Bookmarking these pages is a second nature for many freelance writers. ReadBag is a service that allows you to save links that can be read at a later time in your browser, by phone or email. ReadBag is also available in offline mode for users.
FaxZero- for freelance writers that find a lot of faxing on their list of to do things FaxZero may be helpful. This online tool lets users send and receive faxes to Canada and the US using email.
WordFast - freelance writers that need translation services will benefit from Word Fast. Translate any language that happens to be supported by Word.
RSS2PDF - freelance writers bookmark web pages and many have RSS feeds they follow. This is a web source that turns RSS feeds into PDF format to read when you are offline.
Slim Timer - if you are working for a client and need to keep track of the time spent on a particular project Slim Timer comes into play for freelance writing authors.
Monkey On - if you happen to subcontract work out this is an online freelance writing website that helps to focus your efforts where they are needed to assign work to other people. Working with a todo list for what you want others to do, Monkey On helps get the work done.
These are tools that can help make online freelance writing jobs easier. Anything that makes increasing your income simpler is a must have. With these tools in hand handling your writing jobs from home just became a whole lot easier.
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