As a freelance writer you are searching for revenue sources constantly. There are times when you are searching for ways to increase your income more than you are writing. Therefore, I try and include posts here at the Write Stuff Pen and Paper that help us locate ways to increase our income.
Bright Hub is another revenue source for freelance writers that are interesting in earning for the content. This is a revenue source that pays writers to do what they do best, write articles. Bright Hub does expect an application and must approve you to write for the site.
As a writer with Bright Hub you are sworn by contract not to discuss the specifics of what goes on in the background. This is unusual and I haven’t determined the reason for this. Though, writing for the site does present a nice revenue stream. This is an overview of Bright Hub at a high level.
Bright Hub does give freelance writes a nice variety of content to choose from for your articles. There are different categories that include arts, business, computing, education, electronics, engineering, environment, gaming, health, internet, mobile, money, multimedia, parenting, science and society. Within the different category there are specific article needs. For an example, with education an article is needed for early childhood education, homework and study tips or language learning. You would select one of the specific themes and deliver an article.
Bright Hub is a little different than other sites with article content. You have to apply to write for a specific category and the articles you write will be for one specific category or channel. A sample of your writing and bio information are needed for the application
Bright Hub does accept suggestions for new articles from writers. If you pitch an idea that is developed into an article this will increase your earnings with the site.
As part of the Bright Hub writing team you are assigned a managing editor that will assist you with writing. They are responsible for making certain your article contains what Bright Hub needs. They edit and optimize your work to make certain it meets Bright Hub standards before publishing.
Now, we get to the good stuff-your money. Bright Hub pays $10 per article as well as 60% for editorially managed articles. The managing editor on the site will earn 15% of the revenue and there is a contributing editor earning 25% of your earnings. There are some articles that will pay you 100% of the revenue channels or articles.
They pay writers at the beginning of the month with a minimum payout of $20. This means you need to write and have accepted at least 2 articles per month or have a lot of page views for your monthly check to arrive. You do have the option of writing more than 2 articles per month if you desire.
Bright Hub does have a limit on the amount of articles you can write. This is generally reserved for the newbie writers. New writers are limited to five articles per month. After thirty days this is evaluated to determine if the cap is lifted. If you have articles submitted with a minimum of 10 views each, the cap can be lifted. After the cap is lifted you can write as many as you would like as long as you can maintain the 10 page views each per month.
Editors are continually working to make certain the quality of your work is good. If you have articles that are not receiving the page views or your quality has diminished according to your editor the cap can be placed back on your content. After you receive a cap to your writing your assigned editor will work with you to personally improve your writing.
Many writers don’t like “big brother” or Bright Hub watching over the shoulder and refuse to write for a content site that has these types of limits. However, the income is great if you can pass the muster. Bright Hub is interested in content that has SEO or search engine optimization content for the specific category and content they would like you to write.
If any of my readers write for Bright Hub, please share your experience with us.
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