Social Networking is important for business as a freelance writer. Even if you are a lonesome dove on the internet, you must become involved in networking. Networking is necessary for a variety of reasons. This particular article of content is going to discuss some of the necessary evils of social networking.
Networking is necessary to bring the content to the traffic because the traffic cannot always come to you. In addition, when you are networking through social media sites and bookmarking, not only are you networking for your content, you will also have others networking on your behalf.
Currently there are over 100 different social networking and social bookmarking sites that are available. Obviously you cannot sign up for all of them but you definitely want to hit a mixture of sites.
Consider joining sites that have similar content for your website or blog, sites that you feel comfortable with the layout of their share and sites you think people who share your likes would join. Do you like leaving paragraphs of information or small snippets and comments? There are even some authors that will join or not join a site because the appearance of the site is appealing or not appealing to them personally.
Although we have Twitter and Facebook as the top two social networking sites there are three sites that are coming up fast behind them, StumbleUpon, Digg and Delicious. All three of these are at just under one million hits per day. If you haven’t joined these in addition to Twitter and Facebook, you should consider it.
Also join several other social networking sites that are similar to these. If you verify your traffic through Google Analytics you may be surprised at how much traffic you have coming through social networks as a traffic source.
There are professional social network sites available that are another terrific investment for freelance writer business for different reasons. You can meet resources for references, client bases and job sources.
These are sites that can make your presence known through the business community of your niche. These are used for methods of developing business contacts, friendships, references as well as discussing and sharing information as to what is happening in the business aspect of your website or blog community. This can be a method to develop contacts to clients or actual clients for your business as well.
Professional social networks have continued to grow rapidly over the last several years. These are some of the professional social networking sites that have been developed and are a wonderful investment in your blog, site or business as a freelance writer;
· LinkedIn-job search, professional writing atmosphere
· Gather-online social networking similar to Facebook but professional status only
· Xing (networking more at an international level of business)
· YorZ-this is a professional site that has employment not necessarily found on other professional sites
· Ecademy-site that is geared toward
· Networking for professionals-merges online and offline social networking
· Ryze network-specifically involved in assisting you in expanding your network of business contacts
· Cake financial-specific for networking in stock market investors
· Plaxo-levels people in your network. can keep private networkers private
· Netparty-networking online that actually allows you to meet people in person
Social networking is a wonderful way to meet new and wonderful people in your niche, discover what is happening in your niche and make certain you are getting outstanding information to your community.
I have met new friends and built client bases through many of these social networks. I have had important questions answered concerning outsourcing needs, saved tons of money I would have lost unnecessarily and have even had advertisers approach me for affiliate association through social networking sites.
Social Networking is a wonderful investment as a business person in your freelance writer.
Yes, It can help your article or story spread over the web and read by readers you want to reach.